
The Untold Truth Of Bono

It's no secret that a ton of people hate Bono, but it's easy to see how he might not know that, sitting at his place on the top of the world. But he does know it, and he does know exactly why he's seen as a bit of a hypocrite. And yes, it bothers him.

He told Rolling Stone, "the necessary narcissism of being a writer and performer conflicted me. You could be bought off by your success and forget your ideals." Weirdly, he's most hated in his native Ireland. There are few nods to him — or U2 — in Dublin, but there is graffiti declaring sentiments like "Bono is a Pox." He's done so much good, so what gives?

The Guardian took to the streets to find out just why the average Dubliner hates him so, and most answers were because "he's a bit sanctimonious." Most people declared they hated him because he'd done so well. That's a uniquely Irish attitude he talked a bit about on Conan O'Brien.

"Irish people are so messy, and it's very different than in America. In America, when you look up at the mansion on the hill, and you say, 'One day, I'm going to live in that mansion.' In Dublin, where we come from ... people look at the mansion and go, 'One day, I'm going to get that son of a b****.'"


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-05-09